
Easy Rider floor rail

Stainless steel floor rail for Easy Rider sliding shelving system, height 17 mm
Основные факты
  • For Easy Rider system

  • Variable length

  • Costs per metre

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Rail made of high quality stainless steel in a DIN 18868-2 compliant hygienic design as the basis... больше

Информация об изделии

Rail made of high quality stainless steel in a DIN 18868-2 compliant hygienic design as the basis for an Easy Rider sliding shelving system for optimised space utilisation in a variety of storerooms, from laundry storerooms to OP and sterile supplies storerooms. Floor rail in deformation-resistant design with special profiles for high load bearing capacities, with a groove to guide the roller chassis castors. Rails in standard segments of 1000, 1500 and 2500 mm in length, and in any intermediate lengths required for installation on the floor; segments can be combined using stainless steel connection elements to produce the required overall length.

Техническая информация

Масса: 3 кг
Ширина: 1000 мм
Глубина: 159 мм
Высота: 17 мм