Прибл. изображение

Плоская крыша для высокого шкафа

The stainless steel flat top ensures visually tidy connections all round on the tall cabinets and offers additional storage space.
Основные факты
  • For MediFurn tall cabinets

  • for perfect hygiene


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The flat top on MediFurn tall cabinets provides a robust and reliable cover that offers extra... больше

Информация об изделии

The flat top on MediFurn tall cabinets provides a robust and reliable cover that offers extra stability and effectively stops dust accumulating.

The flat top not only adds to the aesthetics of the tall cabinets, but also offers a practical surface for additional options for use.

The materials used are sustainable, 100% recyclable and so valuable that Hupfer guarantees it will buy back your cabinet and accessories at the end of their service life.

  • High-quality workmanship on high-quality stainless steel allows for perfect hygiene and easy cleaning
  • Provides additional stability
  • Effectively stops dust accumulating
  • Practical surface for additional options for use

Техническая информация

Ширина: 400 мм
Глубина: 650 мм
Высота: 50 мм