Wall mounted hook rail

WHSc 1750-5/350
Wall hook rail for storing sterile supplies baskets and other items suitable for being attached to hooks.
Основные факты
  • Welded hooks

  • 30 kg maximum load per hook

  • Threaded bolt for equipotential bonding

  • Tube ends closed with plastic caps


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Rail made entirely of high-quality stainless steel, robust and hygienic design. Tubular structure... больше

Информация об изделии

Rail made entirely of high-quality stainless steel, robust and hygienic design. Tubular structure made of square tubes with plastic caps and welded hooks for attaching e.g. 1 STE sterile supplies baskets. Wall hook rails with threaded bolts for potential equalisation.

Техническая информация

Размер ячейки: 350 mm
Масса: 1 кг
Ширина: 43 мм
Глубина: 40 мм
Высота: 1750 мм