
Sterile goods basket for ISO units

SteriKo ISO-1/3 600/400/100 SchR
Sterile supplies basket with insert frame for transporting, storing and presenting sterile supplies in soft packaging without the use of containers.
Основные факты
  • With U-shape profile rail compatible drawer frame

  • Stackable inside and on top of each other


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Basket suitable for washing and sterilising devices, made from premium electro-polished round... больше

Информация об изделии

Basket suitable for washing and sterilising devices, made from premium electro-polished round stainless steel material. Basket with upper insert frame suitable for sliding into L or U profile rails of cabinet systems, Norm 5 Medidul shelves or Hupfer Känguruh System®. The special design of the faces means the baskets can be stacked either one inside the other (when empty, for example during washing and disinfecting) or on top of each other (when filled).

Техническая информация

Масса: 2 кг
Ширина: 600 мм
Глубина: 400 мм
Высота: 100 мм