ErgoSlide® sterile goods basket

SteriKo StE-1/2 600/292/150 ERGO KG
Sterile goods basket for transport, storage, and provision of sterile goods in soft packaging, also suitable for accommodating the Hupfer composite sieve.
Основные факты
  • Stackable inside and on top of each other

  • With ErgoSlide rails

  • Stackable in and on top of each other

  • With folding handles on the side with a sliding rail function

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Basket in a washing agent-compatible and sterilisation-capable design made of high-quality,... больше

Информация об изделии

Basket in a washing agent-compatible and sterilisation-capable design made of high-quality, electrolytically polished stainless steel wire. With two side folding handles, the baskets can be stacked either inside each other (when empty, e.g., in the cleaning and disinfection device) or on top of each other (when filled). The folding handles serve as a sliding rail for particularly ergonomic handling when stacking the baskets. At the same time, it prevents the basket stacked on top from sagging and damaging the soft packaging in the basket below.

  • Material: Polished stainless steel - ensures high durability and corrosion resistance.
  • Surface coating: Smooth, hygienic surface - facilitates cleaning and promotes the highest hygiene standards.
  • Robust construction: Stable design - ensures reliability and safety in daily use.
  • Versatile application: Ideal for catering and medical logistics - supports efficient processes in various industries.
  • Ergonomic design: User-friendly handling - optimises workflow and increases efficiency.

Техническая информация

Метод очистки: Waschanlagen- und sterilisatortauglich
Вместимость: StE-1/2
Масса: 2 кг
Ширина: 600 мм
Глубина: 292 мм
Высота: 138 мм