
Soap/disenfectant dispenser

SDMS Typ I-1000
Soap and disinfectant dispenser 1,000 ml, made from high-quality stainless steel in a hygienic design for wall mounting.
Основные факты
  • For free filling

  • Load capacity: 1000 ml

  • Stainless steel

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Robust design comprising mat polished stainless steel housing and rear wall. Housing with optical... больше

Информация об изделии

Robust design comprising mat polished stainless steel housing and rear wall. Housing with optical fill level control and plastic empty bottle for free filling with liquid soap, wash lotion or disinfectant. Bracket-shaped dosing handle at the top for extra hygienic elbow operation without hand contact.

Техническая информация

Масса: 1 кг
Ширина: 99 мм
Глубина: 195 мм
Высота: 305 мм