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4 items found for "rg-kv-n5"!

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The following products have been found matching your search "rg-kv-n5": 6

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media/images/7505019/7505019-kreuzverstrebung-norm-5-medidul_1-0.jpg Medidul cross brace

RG-KV/N5 Medidul

P/N 7505019

  • Requires 1 in every 3rd section

  • Stainless steel

Prices visible after registration. Details
media/images/7505611/7505611-kreuzverstrebung-medidul-iso-455_1-1.jpg Medidul cross brace

RG-KV/N5 Medidul ISO

P/N 7505611

  • Requires 1 in every 3rd section

  • Stainless steel

Prices visible after registration. Details
media/images/7505612/7505612-kreuzverstrebung-medidul-ste-355_1-1.jpg Medidul cross brace

RG-KV/N5 Medidul StE

P/N 7505612

  • Requires 1 in every 3rd section

  • Stainless steel

Prices visible after registration. Details
media/images/0103072/0103072-0203062-0603062-0723952-kreuzstrebe_1-1.jpg NORM5/25 cross brace


P/N 0103072

  • Requires 1 in every 3rd section

  • Suitable for all shelf widths and uprights

Prices visible after registration. Details
media/images/0126602/0103082-0126602-0723953-kreuzstrebe_1-1.jpg NORM35 cross brace


P/N 0126602

  • Up to three sections with one cross brace

  • Stainless steel

Prices visible after registration. Details
media/images/0117025/0117025-laengsverbindung-norm-5_1-1.jpg NORM5 bracing bar

RG-LV/N5 1000

P/N 0117025

  • Stainless steel

  • As an alternative to the cross brace for loading the shelf from both sides

  • With fixing material

  • 4 long rails required per section

  • Optional variants (width)

Prices visible after registration. Details