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1 items found for "rack shelving"!
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The following products have been found matching your search "rack shelving": 19
FIX/Instr R1 SiKo 240
P/N 7501397
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrbaskets from 240 × 250 mm
For general instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R2 SiKo 240
P/N 7501398
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrbaskets from 240 × 250 mm
For bayonet instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R3 SiKo 480
P/N 7501399
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrument baskets from 480 × 250 mm
For general instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R4 SiKo 480
P/N 7501400
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrument baskets from 480 × 250 mm
For general instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R5 SiKo 480
P/N 7501401
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrument baskets from 480 × 250 mm
For general and bayonet instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R6 SiKo 480
P/N 7501402
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrument baskets from 480 × 250 mm
For long-shafted instruments
electropolished stainless steel
FIX/Instr R7 SiKo 240
P/N 7501421
For instrument basket with perforated sides
Suitable for instrument baskets from 250 × 240 mm
For shafted instruments
electropolished stainless steel
RG-BR/N5 1200/550/300
P/N 0114492
Stainless steel
Total load capacity of 200 kg
Optional variants
RG-BR/N20 1200/500/300
P/N 0203412
For self-assembly
Optional variants
RG-BR/N20 1000/600/300
P/N 0203442
For self-assembly
Optional variants
SchReg 600/320/270
P/N 7500374
Up to 6 pairs of shoes
electropolished stainless steel
KÄ-EG 3StE 355/615/1041 L-Sch
P/N 7504595
With L-shaped insert rails
For holding StU and ISO baskets or containers
Stainless steel