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1 items found for "platform dispenser"!
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- open-tray-and-basket-stacker-ota
The following products have been found matching your search "platform dispenser": 101
AH PC 654/654/140/4 tr
P/N 014044424
For stacker with platform 600 × 600 mm
P/N 0161740
Platform 325–550 × 320–566 mm
Vertically adjustable 700–900 mm
Stacking height: 400–600 mm
Max. 80–120 trays
BD 60-60
P/N 0161780
Without heating
Platform: 600 × 600 mm
Max. 372 crockery items (with cover)
BD 60-60 K
P/N 0161790
Without heating
With cooling slots
Platform: 600 × 600 mm
BD/UH 60-60 4S
P/N 0162988
With convection heating
Platform: 600 × 600 mm
Max. crockery temperature: 80°C
Max. 372 crockery items (with cover)
BD/O EB 2/60-40
P/N 0163524
For Euro containers 600 × 400 mm
Stacking height: 625 mm
Max. load: 240 kg
BD/O EB 60-40
P/N 0163895
For Euro containers 600 × 400 mm
Max. load: 120 kg
Reinforced design
P/N 0164088
Platform: 470 × 340 mm
Stacking height: 696 mm
Max. 160 bowls PN-1/1-Plus
Max. 608 bowls PN-1/4
P/N 0164087-1
Platform: 517 × 373 mm
BDK 57-57
P/N 0161810
For holding plastic insulation parts
Basket dimensions: 570 × 570 mm
Stacking height: 710 mm
Height: 900 mm
BDK 85-60
P/N 0161820
For holding plastic insulation parts
Basket dimensions: 850 × 600 mm
Stacking height: 710 mm
Height: 900 mm
BDK 57-57 K
P/N 0162518
For preparation of cold food
Basket dimensions: 570 × 570 mm
Stacking height: 710 mm
Max. 306 items (without cover)