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The following products have been found matching your search "paniers": 130
RWG/E 1/9 ISO 140-L-U
P/N 7504873
Can be pushed inside each other
Lengthwise insertion
Pitch: 140 mm
U-shaped rails
P/N 7504874
Platform lowers for constant removal height
Stainless steel
De 480/250/16
P/N 7515599
With twist lock
electropolished stainless steel
De 240/250/16
P/N 7515645
With twist lock
electropolished stainless steel
SteriKo Spri-1/1 585/395/195 KG
P/N 7593508
With U-shaped rail compatible drawer frame
Stackable inside and on top of each other
With fold-down handles
Optional variants (height)
SteriKo StE-1/1 575/280/265 GrÖ EÖ
P/N 7500018
Stackable on top of each other
SteriKo StE-1/1 600/300/300 GrÖ EÖ
P/N 7500022
Stackable on top of each other
SiSch 480/250/50 SR KG DM
P/N 7500073
With stacking frame
Mesh size: 4.64 x 4.64 mm
Optional variants (width)
AKo TAWALU 650/530/75-540
P/N 0222560
650 × 530 × 75 – 540 mm
Including retainers
Plastic-coated stainless steel
AKo TAWALU 550/320/75-335
P/N 0222566
550 × 320 × 75 – 335 mm
Including retainers
Plastic-coated stainless steel
AKo TAWALU 550/320/75-380
P/N 0222567
550 × 320 × 75 – 380 mm
Including retainers
Plastic-coated stainless steel
SteriKo StE-1/2 600/292/138 ERGO KG
P/N 7501860
Stackable inside and on top of each other
With folding handles on sides with slide rail function
not compatible with U-shape profile rails
Optional variants (height)