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3 items found for "modular baskets"!
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- landingpage
- Medidul shelf
- Medifurn
- Reference_MOC
The following products have been found matching your search "modular baskets": 4999
OKO 50-50
P/N 0164628
Ergonomic working height
Move safely
Perfect hygiene
Easy cleaning and adjustment
SteriKo StE-1/1 600/300/260 KG SchR
P/N 7500011
With U-shape profile rail compatible drawer frame
Stackable inside and on top of each other
With fold-down handles
Optional variants
CTW/M 6ISO 1285/751/1471
P/N 7505988
With L-shaped rails for StU
With U-shaped rails for ISO
Vertical push handles
Wing doors with 270° opening angle
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 0600/600
P/N 0101572
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 0800/500
P/N 0101632
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 0900/500
P/N 0101702
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 1000/500
P/N 0101772
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 1200/600
P/N 0101852
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 1400/600
P/N 0101922
Well ventilated storage
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-DR/N5 1500/600
P/N 0101992
Shelf load: 150 kg
Width: 1,500 mm
Electropolished stainless steel
Optional variants
A-GS/N5 0600/500
P/N 0102462
easy to clean
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants
A-GS/N5 0800/500
P/N 0102532
easy to clean
perfect hygiene
high weight capacity
easy handling
Optional variants