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4 items found for "medical carts"!
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The following products have been found matching your search "medical carts": 13
SV/N5 Med 604/45/1954
P/N 7505211
Stainless steel
For uprights with 75 mm pitch
Optional variants
STW/M US-1S 841/769/1000
P/N 7505990
Vertical push handles
270° wing doors
Stainless steel
Circumferential door seals
STW/M US-2S 1341/769/1000
P/N 7505991
Vertical push handles
270° wing doors
Stainless steel
Circumferential door seals
STW/M US-1T 785/751/1471
P/N 7505992
Vertical push handles
270° wing doors
Stainless steel
Circumferential door seals
RG-KV/N5 Medidul
P/N 7505019
Requires 1 in every 3rd section
Stainless steel
RG-KV/N5 Medidul ISO
P/N 7505611
Requires 1 in every 3rd section
Stainless steel
RG-KV/N5 Medidul StE
P/N 7505612
Requires 1 in every 3rd section
Stainless steel
HAW 650/1005/1657 2/4HP Medidul
P/N 7500801
Maximum load per hook 30 kg
Deflector castors
Ø castors mm 100
RG-ESS/L MEDIDUL 594/84/39
P/N 7504213
Package content: 1 pair
Bearing face 60 mm
Stainless steel
RG-ESS/U MEDIDUL 36/570/41
P/N 7505009
Package content: 1 pair
Bearing face 14 mm
Stainless steel
P/N N5DR48003001400
Dimensions: 4725 × 300 × 1400 mm
upright of stainless steel, wire shelf of stainless steel
Max. section load: 600 kg, max. bay load: 150 kg
Number of shelf bays: 1 × 900 mm, 3 × 1300 mm,
P/N N5GS14004001600
Dimensions: 1400 × 400 × 1600 mm
upright of stainless steel, solid shelf of stainless steel
Max. section load: 600 kg, max. bay load: 150 kg
Number of shelf bays: 1 × 1400 mm,