Hits on contents pages:
- landingpage
- Medidul shelf
- Tawalu
- Sterile goods transport Medical
3 items found for "insert rail"!
Hits on contents pages:
- landingpage
- Medidul shelf
- Tawalu
- Sterile goods transport Medical
The following products have been found matching your search "insert rail": 8
SRG-TOP N5 7605/2636/2085 - CS2-1
P/N 7506118
Height: 2085 mm
100% more shelf space
Ground clearance when cleaning the premises
perfect hygiene
SRG-TOP N5 4105/2636/2085 - CS2-2
P/N 7506119
Height: 2085 mm
100% more shelf space
Ground clearance when cleaning the premises
perfect hygiene
SRG-TOP N5 13965/2636/2085 - CS2-3
P/N 7506120
Height: 2085 mm
100% more shelf space
Ground clearance when cleaning the premises
perfect hygiene
SRG-TOP N5 6161/5177/2085 - CS3-1
P/N 7506121
Height: 2085 mm
100% more shelf space
Ground clearance when cleaning the premises
perfect hygiene
SRG-TOP N5 6465/3911/2085 - CS3-2
P/N 7506122
Height: 2085 mm
100% more shelf space
Ground clearance when cleaning the premises
perfect hygiene
P/N 0120810
For Easy Rider system
Variable length
Costs per metre
P/N 0120910
For Easy Rider system
Variable length
Costs per metre
RG-GHS/N20 1500
P/N 0203222
Optional variants