0 items found for "draaiend"!
The following products have been found matching your search "draaiend": 59
SteriKo ISO-1/3 600/400/100 SchR
P/N 7214005
With U-shape profile rail compatible drawer frame
Stackable inside and on top of each other
Optional variants
SteriKo StE-1/1 600/300/260 KG SchR
P/N 7500011
With U-shape profile rail compatible drawer frame
Stackable inside and on top of each other
With fold-down handles
Optional variants
SteriKo StE-1/1 575/280/265 GrÖ
P/N 7500017
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
Optional variants
SteriKo StE-2/1 575/560/265 GrÖ
P/N 7500019
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
SteriKo StE-1/2 600/300/150 GrÖ
P/N 7500021
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
Optional variants
SteriKo StE-1/2 575/280/135 GrÖ ES
P/N 7500148
Stackable on top of each other
With intervention slope
AufKl 110/25/10
P/N 7500279
Suitable for baskets with wire thickness 3.5 mm
Specially suitable for sterile goods basket ErgoSlide and sterile goods basket StU
prevents perforation
SteriKo StE-1/2 600/300/150 GrÖ ES
P/N 7500301
Stackable on top of each other
With intervention slope
TG 282/141/8
P/N 7500516
Wire thickness: Ø 2.5 mm
Optimum use of the storage space
quick adjustment
Effortless hooking in and removal
QT 398/121/8
P/N 7500517
Wire thickness: Ø 2.5 mm
Optimum use of the storage space
quick adjustment
Effortless hooking in and removal
SteriKo ISO-1/1 600/400/300 GrÖ
P/N 7500626
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
Optional variants
SteriKo ISO-1/1 600/400/300 GrÖ EÖ
P/N 7500969
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening and engagement opening