0 items found for "575-575-144"!
The following products have been found matching your search "575-575-144": 8
BDK 57-57
P/N 0161810
For holding plastic insulation parts
Basket dimensions: 570 × 570 mm
Stacking height: 710 mm
Height: 900 mm
BDK 57-57 K
P/N 0162518
For preparation of cold food
Basket dimensions: 570 × 570 mm
Stacking height: 710 mm
Max. 306 items (without cover)
SteriKo StE-1/1 575/280/265 GrÖ
P/N 7500017
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
Optional variants
SteriKo StE-2/1 575/560/265 GrÖ
P/N 7500019
Stackable on top of each other
With grip opening
SteriKo StE-1/2 575/280/135 GrÖ ES
P/N 7500148
Stackable on top of each other
With intervention slope
AblBo 575/390/155
P/N 7500467
For notebook or computer monitor
electropolished stainless steel
TETW-TG 578/539/205
P/N 0163484
Low design
Stainless steel
TETW-TG 578/276/205
P/N 0163486
For plate transport trolleys
Stainless steel