Exceptional situations require exceptional measures. For us here at Hupfer the top priority is now to prevent further spread of the corona virus as far as possible and to maintain our production. This is why we have already taken a large number of preventive measures, which you can find out more about here.
We are regularly updating this news article.
********************************Update 2 February 2021********************************
100 Percent Hupfer Power
We are still here to serve you, just as we always are
Still strong: Even in these difficult times we are keeping to our promise – “We make work flow” – 100 percent and with no compromises. Specifically this means that we continue to be available for you without restrictions during the familiar opening times and with the same quick response times. As you can see the unmatched power comes about because every single “Hupferan” makes a vital contribution – naturally while observing social distancing guidelines.
Stay strong: We continue to be at your service and do everything to overcome this enormous challenge together with you.
********************************Update 27.01.2021********************************
Trade association confirms adherence to occupational safety and health protection rules at Hupfer
The BG ETEM trade association assessed adherence to the Corona-protection measures during an inspection on 26 January accompanied by Hupfer employees Egbert Flück, Dirk Offer and Peter Burlage. The result of the inspection report was:
“At the time of the inspection, the company was able to present itself in a good light in terms of occupational safety and health protection. No defects were determined.”
********************************Update 15th June********************************
The rules of conduct listed below continue to apply at least until 31st August.
********************************Update 4th May********************************
Until 14th June inclusive, our rules of conduct continue to apply. This includes...
...hand hygiene and spacing as a top priority
...the spatial equalization of employees and working in divided zones
...the temporal equalization of breaks, so that colleagues from different departments do not meet each other personally
...the use of handover containers to transfer mail and other documents
...the reduction of personal meetings or visits from outside the company to a minimum
This is to ensure that operations at Hupfer can continue despite the current situation.
********************************Update 23th March*****************************
The rules of conduct for all employees at Hupfer have been extended with effect from 23 March.
This includes that...
......individual zones have been set up throughout the building, which are only entered by the employees working there. From now on members of a department actively step out of their personal zone in order to communicate with other employees.
... the break times have been equalized so that employees from production and administration now spend their breaks at different times. The break rooms are additionally cleaned and disinfected between the respective groups.
...external persons can now only enter the building up to the goods sluice.
In addition, the disinfectant dispensers in the transition areas (corridors / floors) will be extended throughout the entire building. All other measures (see below) will of course continue to apply.
Health and desocialisation:
- Employees with health problems and critical functions in the company do their work in the home office
- Social contact is kept to a minimum. Rules of conduct apply which stipulate a self-determined minimum distance of two metres to other people. This eliminates the need for internal meetings and visits where these requirements cannot be met.
- Direct contact with suppliers at the incoming goods department is subject to increase hygiene regulations restricted (e.g. separate toilet for external third parties, required hand disinfection).
Procedures and guidelines:
- A hygiene guide was given to all employees, which was also sent to the employees' private addresses in order to ensure the necessary care in hygiene in the private environment as well. These include an increasing frequency of hand washing and disinfecting before/after meals and before/after meetings.
- Employees returning from crisis areas must report before starting work and are placed in a 14-day quarantine
- The serving of food was time-equalized, seats were arranged according to the above described distance rules, the supply of open cold meals was stopped.
Taking into account the current requirements of the government and the World Health Organization, together we are doing everything we can to remain able to deliver.
In case of any remaining concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions personally. Here you can find the right contact person for your request.